Interview with SHS Lacrosse Player Katie Ling

Welcome back to the Spring Edition of Off the Reels! This week, I am featuring an athlete who loves her pressure-filled position in front of the net. Meet SHS Lacrosse Goalie Katie Ling… Lacrosse story: In third grade, Katie’s neighbors encouraged her to try lacrosse, and she has been playing ever since. She said lacrosse “has given me a life focus.” Katie trains, practices, and competes year-round. She works hard to fulfill her lifelong dream of competing in Division I college athletics. In the meantime, you can find her protecting the goal for the Panthers. Katie on being a goalie: I was curious as to what Katie likes and dislikes about being a goalie. Katie loves being the last line of defense for the team and all the pressure that comes with it. In addition to performing well under pressure, Katie likes that she has the opportunity to make big saves and change the direction of a game. Her only complaint about being a goalie is all of the bruises from shots. What goes t...