Signing off, Belle DeRosa

Off the Reels is the result of many influences. First, sports are a huge part of my life—as an athlete and a fan. Along with my passion for sports, I developed a passion for sports journalism and telling athletes' stories. My high school does not offer journalism courses, but that didn't stop me. And, in the heat of the pandemic, the community felt disconnected from sports. Off the Reels was born in January 2021. As the hockey team's statistician and manager, I started the blog with the intent of making it a "hockey blog." I never expected it to reach thousands of people. As the blog grew, I met with the SHS Athletic Department in hopes of expanding beyond hockey. Partnering with the athletic department was life-changing. My blogs were published independently but also on the athletic website. And, best of all, it allowed many more athletes to tell their stories. I played tennis for most of my life, started on varsity for four years, and was a captain my senior y...